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Blackberry Cobbler Slushy

Craft Beer Brand: 903 Bewers

Brewery: 1718 S Elm St, Sherman, TX 75090

APV: 6.2%

Company Description: Blackberry, Cinnamon, Milk Sugar, Vanilla Flavored & Pie Crust Flavored Berliner Weisse Style Ale

Directions: Keep this beer cold, turn over once before serving to redistribute any settled fruit (do not shake), Drink fresh, Enjoy & Repeat with the next flavor.

Purchased: Arroyo Shell, 290 S Arroyo Pkwy, Pasadena, CA 91105

Him: " Smooth but thick consistency like a real slushy, definitely best enjoyed cold. There is a rich taste of blueberry. It is a medium-bodied smoothie/slushy, overall very good."

Rating: 3.5 Out of 5 Stars

Her: " Tastes like freshly picked blueberries from the bush, blended over ice, very fresh & filling fruit smoothie. The thickness reminds me of a tart milkshake. Cannot really taste the pie crust or cinnamon taste as the fruit is predominant. As the drink warms it gives a hint of the vanilla taste, otherwise like a sweet tart candy."

Rating: 3.5 Out of 5 Stars


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