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Cartofi La Cuptor aka Potatoes in the Oven


  • Potatoes

  • Celery

  • 1/2 Yellow Onion

  • 1 Bell Pepper Any Color

  • Garlic

  • Sausage or Chicken Breast

  • Roasted Bell Pepper Paste

  • Salt & Pepper

  • 3-4 Cups of Water

  • Parsley


  1. First, peel & clean potatoes and store them in water to prevent color change.

  2. Chop celery and add to a bowl. Next, chop half a yellow onion and one bell pepper (any color can be used).

  3. Peel and chop garlic and add to the bowl.

  4. Then cut the peeled potatoes into 4's then long way and rinse in water to remove excess starch.

  5. Add potatoes and all veggies into oven cookware.

  6. Cut up sausage or raw chicken breast (either can be used) and add to the mixture.

  7. Next add roasted bell pepper paste, salt and pepper, and 3-4 cups of water to completely cover the potatoes and mix.

  8. Put in the oven at 370 degrees for 1.5 -2 hours.

  9. While in the oven chop parsley to garnish when completely cooked.

  10. Take out the oven, and add parsley.

  11. Enjoy!


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