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Pie Face

Craft Beer Brand: Hoosiers Brewing Co

Brewery: 147 S Madison Ave, Greenwood, IN 46142

APV: N/a

Company Description: Cherry Cheesecake, Fruited Sour Ale

Directions: Keep Cold, Drink Soon

Purchased: Arroyo Shell, 290 S Arroyo Pkwy, Pasadena, CA 91105

Him: " At first the smell comes off as tarty and cheesecake like, followed by the taste that it suggests. Smooth, velvety, and easy to drink. Refreshing with a hint of sourness from the cherry."

Rating: 4.5 Out of 5 Stars

Her: "The pulp gives it a natural, fresh oomph in the beer; it makes you feel like you're drinking something very natural and citrus. The vanilla and lactose make it a very smooth sherbert; however, you cannot taste the vanilla in the beer as it is overpowered by the citrus. You can smell the citrus in the cup, with hints of raspberry & tangerine; you can't smell the lime, but you can taste it. Overall, a very good blended slushy beer, with very tangy tones."

Rating: 4.5 Out of 5 Stars


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