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Zombie Cup

Craft Beer Brand: 450 North Brewing Co

Brewery: 8111 E 450 N, Columbus, IN 47203

APV: None Listed

Company Description: Slushy Collector Cup Series

Directions: Store Cold & Drink Fresh

Purchased: Arroyo Shell, 290 S Arroyo Pkwy, Pasadena, CA 91105

Him: " Very smooth consistency, tart, sweet with very fruity notes. At first it tastes like marshmallow. Tasteful, medium bodied smoothie. Blueberry and banana flavor is the most prominent in it, but you can also taste the cherry. Can taste the fruit just from smellling the aroma."

Rating: 4.5 Out of 5 Stars

Her: " Sweet sour tart flavor. Bubbly fruit, thick built smoothie, with a banana aftertaste. There are hints of blueberry mixed with sours and then a banana finish. It is a very delicious fruity beer, great as a seet taste after dinner. Smells like blueberry bananas."

Rating: 4.5 Out of 5 Stars


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